
In recent times, there have been mixed perceptions of fats and fatty foods. While on the one hand, there is acceptance of fats; on the other hand, there is also fear and aversion to it. 

But what exactly are fats? You know they’re a type of macronutrient which means they’re essential for your body. But what makes them so special? How do you choose the right kinds of fats? Are Fats Good For You? 

Read on to find out more about fats and why eating them can help your health in more ways than one!

What are Fats?

Fats are a type of micronutrient found in food. They are made up of triglycerides and can be found in animal products and plants, as well as dietary supplements. Fats are important for good health. They provide you with energy, help to keep your body warm in cold weather, and they’re needed for the production of hormones. 

Fats are used as sources of energy in the body. Fats can be broken down into smaller parts called fatty acids that your body needs to function normally. Fatty acids can be classified into:

  • Essential fatty acids (EFAs) – These fats, found in nuts and fish, help maintain healthy skin, hair, nails, and brain health.
  • Monounsaturated fats – Commonly found in avocados and olive oil, these types of fats lower cholesterol levels by lowering bad LDL cholesterol levels.

Fats are mainly classified into two types: saturated fats (found mostly in animal sources), which raise bad cholesterol levels; and polyunsaturated fats (found mostly in plant sources), which lower bad cholesterol levels.

Fats serve several important functions:

  • They provide energy to your body
  • They help your cells function properly
  • They act as structural components for many organs, including the brain
  • They aid in the absorption of certain vitamins & minerals into the bloodstream
  • They help keep you warm in winters
  • As a source of energy, fats are used by your body during physical activity or when you are fasting
  • Fat serves as a storehouse for essential fatty acids like omega-3, which can’t be synthesized by our bodies on their own; these must come from the supplements taken for health reasons, such as for heart disease prevention or arthritis treatment.

Are Fats Good For You?

Fats are an essential part of a healthy diet. The body cannot absorb fat-soluble vitamins, such as A and D, on its own, and it needs fats to absorb them. Fatty acids also help to keep your skin moisturized and looking healthy.

Despite this, it is important not to consume too much fat because if consumed frequently and in large amounts, fats can increase the levels of cholesterol in the bloodstream. This can increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

The best way around this problem is by choosing foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids (also known as polyunsaturated fats). Research (conducted by Harvard Medical School researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital) shows that “high consumption of fish with omega-3 fatty acids may reduce blood pressure.”

In addition to consuming omega-3 fatty acids, limiting saturated fats is also important. The same research shows that “high consumption of red meat, butter, and cheese are associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular diseases.”


It’s clear that fats are essential for our health and well-being. However, it’s also important to remember that not all fats are created equal. These days, there is an abundance of unhealthy fats in our diets due to our high consumption of processed foods. So, you should make sure that the fats you’re eating are good for you.