Are you worried that you or someone you know may have a drug or alcohol problem? If so, the first step is to understand the signs and symptoms of addiction. Also, it’s essential to know that drug and alcohol problems can range from mild to severe, and they can affect anyone at any age. This article will discuss the signs and symptoms of drug and alcohol addiction and how Hillcrest Recovery can support you on your journey to recovery.

The most important thing for you to remember is that addiction is a disease requiring treatment. So, If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, please reach out for help.

Let’s now look at some common signs among people with alcohol and drug problems.

Physical Signs

There are several physical indications that someone may be having a drug or alcohol problem. These physical signs will manifest differently depending on the substance you are abusing or the quantity you take. The following are some of the physical signs that may be present:

A Peculiar odor on the body, clothing, or breath– Some drugs have characteristic smells, which can be a pointer that someone is using them. For instance, marijuana has a distinct smell that is often described as earthy or skunky.

Sudden weight loss or gain. Using drugs or alcohol can lead to unhealthy eating habits, resulting in sudden weight loss or gain. For instance, taking some drugs may cause you to lose appetite, while others may lead to compulsive overeating.

Slurred speech. When you notice a slur in your speech, this may signify that you are intoxicated and your motor skills are impaired.

Unusual sleeping patterns. When your alcohol or drug use is out of control, you may notice that your sleeping patterns are disrupted. You may sleep for long periods or have difficulty falling asleep.

Dilated or constricted pupils are another physical sign caused by different drugs. For instance, cocaine and methamphetamine will cause your pupils to dilate, while opiates such as heroin will make them pinpoint.

Changes In Behavior

Changes in behavior can give away your drug or alcohol problem. So, if you have noticed any of the following changes, it could be a sign that there’s a problem:

Sudden change in friends. When you start to abuse drugs or alcohol, you will probably associate more with people who have substance abuse problems. So, if you notice a sudden change in your social circles, it may be because you’re spending more time with people who use drugs or alcohol.

Neglecting responsibilities. When addiction takes over, your priorities will change. So, you may start to neglect your responsibilities at home, work, or school in favor of using drugs or alcohol.

Loss of interest in activities. As addiction takes hold, you may lose interest in activities you used to enjoy, such as sports or hobbies. This is because you’re spending more time and energy on your substance abuse problem.

Frequent trouble with the law. If you’re using drugs or alcohol, you may frequently get into trouble. For instance, you may get arrested for driving under the influence or possessing drugs.

Financial problems. Substance abuse can be expensive, and it may lead to financial problems. For instance, you may start spending more money on drugs or alcohol than you can afford.

Psychological Signs

When you are abusing drugs or alcohol, there are psychological signs that you may present. Here are some of the common psychological ones to look out for.

Anxiety. Are you or someone you know constantly feeling anxious without reason? This may be a sign of drug or alcohol abuse.

Paranoia. Drugs such as cocaine and methamphetamine can cause paranoia. So, if you notice that someone is suddenly suspicious or mistrustful of others, it may be a sign of drug abuse.

Lack of motivation. It can be hard to find the motivation to do anything else when addiction takes over. So, if you or someone you know has been displaying a sudden lack of motivation in their work or responsibilities, it may be due to drug or alcohol abuse.

If you or someone you know displays any of these signs, please reach out for help. Many resources are available to help you get on the road to recovery. It’s important to understand that these are just some of the many signs present in someone with a drug or alcohol problem. Remember that every person is different and will experience addiction in their way.